Integrating a Third Party Application with Stanford SSO

This article describes a very generalized outline of how to integrate a third party application with Stanford Identity using SAML. Since all applications are different, there cannot be a single recipe covering all possibilities. Some of the integration decisions depend on the authentication architecture of an application, specifics of the Stanford environment and the user base of the application.

This article is written for a wide audience and begins with the very basics, avoids most of the special terminology, but gradually gets more technical. If at any point you feel like you need assistance with setting up an integration, feel free to stop reading and submit a HelpSU ticket.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication scheme, which allows a user to login to multiple independent applications using the same set of credentials. At Stanford everyone is familiar with a Web Login page, where one enters his SUNet ID, password and requests a Duo prompt. The same login page shows up no matter which application one is logging into. If you want to use Stanford Web Login for authentication with a third party application or service, keep reading. 

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